Spider-Man: Homecoming Adds Donald Glover

Donald Glover (Community) has joined the cast of Spider-Man: Homecoming. Aside from proving his chops as a comedic and musical talent, Glover has remained the fan community’s top choice for the casting of Miles Morales: the person chosen to succeed Peter Parker as Spider-Man in the “Ultimate” universe of Marvel Comics, whom fans have long been hoping to see take up the mantle on film.

Glover has long made it clear he was a fan of Marvel and Spider-Man, and it all came to a head in 2010 with a social media campaign as Sony made announcements for its Spider-Man reboot ‘The Amazing Spider-Man’.

The actor is now about a decade older than the comics’ Miles Morales, but even if Glover is not taking up the role, that is actually partly based on him as well as President Obama, it is at least a funny easter egg for fans of the franchise to have him playing a character in the Spiderverse.

Spider-Man: Homecoming  is scheduled for July 7, 2017, so we still have some time to figure out Glover’s role in the MCU.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. The Smiling Pilgrim says:

    Gotta love spiderman 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. He seems like a great choice for the role, just a wee bit old I think. Hope the makers tap into his comic timing for the film.

    Liked by 1 person

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